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Units of competency offered by AQTRAINING to complete the qualification


RIIBEF201E Plan and organise work

RIICCM201E Carry out measurements and calculations

RIICCM203E Read and interpret plans and job specifications

RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace

RIISAM203E Use hand and power tools

RIISAM204E Operate small plant and equipment

RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedure

RIICCM202E Identify, locate and protect underground services

RIICCM205F Carry out manual excavation

RIICCM206E Support plant operations

RIICCM207E Spread and compact materials manually

RIICCM208E Carry out basic levelling

R!!RIS301E   Apply risk management processes

RIICCM210E Install trench support

RIICPL301E Install water mains pipelines

RIICPL302E Install stormwater systems

RIICPL303E Install sewer pipeline

RIICPL304E  Install pre-cast gully pits

RIICPL305E Install pre-cast access chambers

RIICCM209E Carry out concrete work

RIICRC208E Lay pipe

RIIHAN2508E Perform dogging

RIISAM201E Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safety dispose of nontoxic material

RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plan

RIIWMG203E Drain and dewater civil construction site

RIIWS202E Enter confined spaces

RII30920 Certificate III in Civil Construction pipe laying



On successful completion of these courses, students will have acquired the skills and knowledge to operate.  Successful completion of the course meets requirements for National Competency.


Who should attend:
Existing licensed operators
Existing unlicensed operators
People wanting to become licensed operators
Course duration

  • from 6 months


Course location

  • e.g. at your workplace or at another agreed location

Entry requirements

  • There are no specific entry requirements although students need to have English language skills that allow them to work safely with the machine and to understand the manuals, procedures, forms and other communications required in workplaces every day.

Pre requisites

  • There are no pre requisites for this course.


Training Delivery

  • For students with considerable practical experience who wish to have their knowledge and skills recognised, supervised training may not be necessary.  Knowledge and practical tests supported by documentary evidence (logbook) may be used to move to the assessment phase.


  • The assessment methods will include:

  • Practical observation

  • Knowledge questions

  • Assessment activities will take place in the workplace or in simulated activities at the RTO/other suitable premises.


Outcome and qualification

  • Successful students will be issued a Certificate of completion reflecting the unit of competency for which they have been deemed competent.


  • Fee for service  $12,490.00

  • User choice funding ( apprenticeship/traineeship )student contribution $1440.00 Concession holder  $550.00
  • Within 12 months of completing Year 12 students and under 21 are exempt from contribution fee's

Conditions apply

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